Tervetuloa kuulolle ilmastonmuutoksen sopeutumiseen ja vakuutusalaan liittyvään Horizon PIISA-hankkeen webinaariin 10.12. Klo 10-13.15.
Tilaisuuden ensimmäinen osa käsittelee innovatiivisia vakuutusratkaisuja ja riskeihin liittyviä tietoja. Toinen osa esittelee kaupunkiympäristön kysymyksiin keskittyviä pilotteja.
Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoa ohjelmasta: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z4HRFtVwRRe5zc4u0zd8mA#/registration
Ohjelma: The Programme (pdf)
Alkuperäinen kutsu:
Dear recipient,
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar, ”Insights into Climate Adaptation and Insurance Innovation from PIISA”, organised by the ongoing research project Piloting Innovative Insurance Solutions for Adaptation (PIISA). The webinar will focus on highlighting the primary results from the project so far.
Platform: On Zoom
The webinar is divided into two parts: the first part focusing on insights about insurance innovations predicting future exposure of weather hazards with climate indicators. In the second part of the webinar we will delve deeper into the work of PIISA pilots. The pilots have been testing novel solutions to progress adaptation regarding wildfires, clay soil shrinking and swelling and green roofs in different parts of Europe.
The aim of the PIISA project is to develop insurance innovations to support households, businesses, and the public sector in adapting to climate change and creating products and services that promote adaptation. More information on the project can be found from PIISA project website. If you have any questions on the event or need further information, please contact the leader of the communication, dissemination and stakeholder engagement activities Kati Berninger (kati.berniger@tyrskyconsulting.fi ).
Thank you, and we look forward to your participation!