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Yritysten rikosturvallisuus

Keskuskauppakamari ja Helsingin seudun kauppakamari kartoittavat säännöllisesti suomalaisten yrityksen rikosriskejä ja riskienhallintaa Yritysten rikosturvallisuus -selvityksillä.


Alaan liittyvä koulutus

News Feeds (RSS) – http://www.projectperfect.com.au

An Alternate view of Project Risk Management
A new white paper that looks at project risk management within the context of a company’s risk maturity

Simple Explanation of Project Management
Ever need to explain what Project Management is all about in 10 words or less? This might exceed 10 words but it is a simple explanation of what a Project Manager is responsible for. It can be used for people thrust into a PM role without any experience, or to give to a Sponsor who has little idea what a Project Manager is there for.

Project Scope Tips
Project Perfect has published a new white paper giving some tips on how to manage the scope of a project. The white paper uses practical examples to talk about what can go wrong and how you avoid falling into the trap of scope blowout.

White Paper on Making Decisions in Projects
Any Project Manager, who has completed even a few projects, will understand the difficulty in getting people to make decisions. Making decisions in a project is potentially one of the most difficult challenges you face.