Jäsnemme David FitzGerald on tohtoriohjelmassa Tampereen yliopistossa tekemässä tutkimusta riskienhallinnasta ostotoiminnassa pk-yrityksissä. Ne joilla kiinnostusta osallistua tutkimukseen, voivat ottaa suoraan yhteyttä Davidiin.
Puh: 040 775 9166 tai s-postilla: david.fitzgerald@saunalahti.fi
Tässä lyhyt Davidin kuvaus aiheesta:
Dear Sirs,
As well as being a member of this organisation (recently renewed!)I am a doctoral candidate at Tampere University under the supervision of Professor Ruuskanen and am concerned with the area of risk management in the purchasing function in SMEs. My thesis will compare risk management processes of SMEs in Ireland who have not adopted a formal risk management programme with those in Finland who have.
As with all specimens of my species I am concerned with locating sources of data. I am OK for access to suitable Irish case study candidiates as I have the backing of the Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management.