Helsinki | Travel Risk 2020 Workshop
Is your organisation appropriately prepared to respond to a serious security or medical incident abroad? If your employees travel or work abroad, the risk of facing incidences such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters or civil unrest is increasing. In 2019, protests disrupted cities previously considered safe, such as Barcelona and Hong Kong.
If you would like to test the preparedness of your organisation with your peers, please join our simulation exercise workshop (SIMEX) in Helsinki on Tuesday 25 February 2020. Our experts will guide you through scenarios that will test your organisation’s resilience and discuss best practices when navigating your way through times of uncertainty.
Lisätietoa ja ilmoittautuminen oheisesta linkistä:
- Robert Condina, Security Director, International SOS
- Dr Rodrigo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Medical Director, Non-communicable Disease, International SOS
- Antti Putkonen, Director, Unit for Consular Assistance Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland.