FERMA – European Risk Management Seminar 12.-13.10.2020

European Risk Management Seminar 2020

An exclusive and free virtual educational European event for Risk and Insurance Managers, Virtual live seminar 12.-13.10.2020

The Seminar is designed for Chief Risk Officers, risk & insurance managers only.

The Focus of this year’s Seminar?

Corporate Risk and Finance: Financing the ever growing universe of risk

The Covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequences are the clearest possible evidence of our ever-growing universe of risk. The 2020 FERMA Risk Management Seminar is an exclusive and free virtual educational event that will help prepare risk managers to support their organisations in this environment.

The Seminar will focus on two key questions:

  • What are the financial options available to manage our new and existing exposures in the current environment?
  • How do we best communicate these issues, especially with the CFO and other senior managers?

LUE LISÄÄ SEMINAARISTA: https://www.ferma-seminar.eu/