2023 Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS) Panorama – Survey is open until 17.2.2023

AMRAE (Ranskalainen sisaryhdistys) publishes yearly, in partnership with EY, the Panorama of Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS), commonly referred to as ”GRC technologies”. This publication is to date the most downloaded piece of research on the AMRAE website.

You can download a free copy of the 2022 edition by clicking here.

SRHY is invited to participate in the 2023 RMIS Panorama. By sharing the following link to the Risk Managers Survey to your members: https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/RMsurveyRMISpanorama2023.

Survey is open until 17.2.20232023.

Kannustamme runsaaseen osanottoon, jolloin saatavilla olisi myös maakohtainen analyysi!