Risk Management Education is one of the main concerns of the Federation. The invitation of students is a mean to increase FERMA’s visibility and also to improve the interest of the Education bodies throughout Europe. In addition, it gives the Association members the opportunity to demonstrate their involvement in that field. It offers the students the possibility to attend a major Risk Management congress in Europe, to improve their knowledge and allow them to discuss and exchange views, not only with practitioners, risk and insurance managers, but also with numerous service providers.
The selection of the student is made by each National Association informing the Dean of the Faculty/Professor of the conditions of participation and the National Association is responsible of the compliance of the student selected with the criteria’s. The Education Director of FERMA checks that the candidate meets the requested criteria’s.
These criteria’s are:
- The student should have succeeded in any educational program devoted to Risk Management and should have sufficient knowledge of the English language
- The student should have obtained their diploma or certificate since 2009 or later
- Being afterwards involved in professional activities is not an obstacle
- A letter of recommendation by the Dean of the Faculty or Professor were the student has obtained his diploma or certificate is required
Candidates not meeting the selection criteria will not be accepted.
National Associations should advise FERMA of the name of the selected candidate and of the name of their representative who will be in charge of the student on site before 1st June 2011.
Each student is invited to produce in a four weeks delay after the end of the Forum a written report, in English, of about eight pages.
- The first part of the report should cover in maximum two pages, the event itself and its organisation including comments and suggestions.
- The second part of the report should deepen specific aspects of Risk Management with his views and ideas.
Educational level and possibilities in the field of Risk Management vary quite substantially country by country. The student’s report is the only way for FERMA to appreciate the current status and the evolution of the concept among the different and variable intellectual and cultural background of the group of students.
The best reports might be publicised by FERMA on its website, or proposed to reviews and magazines. Of course high quality should be the rule.