Framework Overview
- The scope of the climate change risk assessment is to support the business risk analysis in terms of climate change risks among the other megatrends by integrating the assessment to company’s existing risk processes
- This is a framework to support adaptation to climate change risks and impacts, not to manage the climate change itself
- The idea is of the check-list is to ingrate the climate change risk assessment to company’s existing risk processes to support adaptation to climate change risks and impacts.
Tool presentation session by Met Office, Fortum and Sitra for CLC companies and other potential users on 1.6.2016 at 09:00 at Sitra, osoitteessa: Itämerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki.
Tähän tilaisuuteen kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita.
Tässä ko. viitekehyksestä lisää (pdf).